Friday, April 22, 2022

Account information

Accounting rules

Account introduction to accounting

  1. Identification of financial transactions and event
  2. Measuring the identified transaction
  3. Recording
  4. Classifying
  5. Summarising
  6. Analysis and interpretation
  7. Communicating
1).    Definition of accounting ?
-- Accounting is the art of recording classifying and summarising in a significant manners and in terms of manny transaction and event which are in part of last of a financial character and interpreting the results .

2). Short turn

1. Identification--- B+M
2. Measure -- Money
3. Record -- Journal
4. Classify -- Ledger
5. Summaries -- Trail Balance / profile loss  / balance sheet
6. Analysis -- performance / profit and loss
7. Communicat -- Report to users

* Accounting all turms
1. Accounting turms 
2. Transaction
3. Debit / Credit
4. Capital
5. Drownings
6. Lability
7. Assets
8. Expenses
9. Revenue. -- amount received from sales of goods / service
10. Income -- ( Revenue -- Expenses)
                          (10000 - 7000)
           Income.  = 3000
11. Profit = ( Total Revenue -- Total Exp. )
                   =   100000 - 60000)
     Profit    =    40000


Thank you

Basic accounting rules in hindi in this link

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